Sales, Support or Lead Generation...
CooCoo Smart Bots
Having a virtual assistant on your website is a great way to increase sales, or help with support, or even capture email addresses and telephone numbers to increase your leads.
A CooCoo Smart Bot can be your no.1 Sales Representative.
If the home page of your website is your shop front, then what do you have to sell your services or products?
Putting a salesperson that is ready to promote products, provide guidance or advice, or even capture leads, is the best way to increase your shopfronts profitability.
It does not matter what type of site you have, or what type of business you run, adding a CooCoo Smart Bot to your site will increase user interaction, keeping clients longer on your site...
It's no secret why the big businesses have chatbots on their sites... It Works, and now you can have your own CooCoo Smart Bot, and turn visitors into sales, and into leads.