How To Use AI By Article forge For Your Blogs

Recently at a conference, someone asked me about how to use AI by Article Forge for Blog Posts. They were interested in learning how to use the new Blogger templates to create their own blogs and then use the content they wanted in the templates to publish their posts. They wanted to do this but were confused on how to get started. I suggested they use A.I. to create content for blogs. That got them thinking... "A.I. Why? Why can't I just write the articles?" They realized that with A.I., they could just write the articles and then add the keywords and titles as they created each blog post. It was so much easier than trying to do it manually. So, they got the Blogger software and opened up the program. The first thing they saw was a bunch of categories. They immediately recognized those they know well such as gardening, cooking, design, sports, and so forth. They also saw all the other categories which they did not really know much about. This makes it much easier to just pick the cate...

How to use AI by Article Forge for Blog Posts
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