Your mailing list will grow only if you make an effort to add new subscribers. Know that once you’ve got started on building your mailing list (and remember that your list building should be an ongoing process that is never really finished), your subscribers are a captive audience; it is much easier to get them to part with their hard-earned money than new prospects who don’t really know you yet. That is why you need to invest in a mailing list. Then, once you have your mailing list, you can maximize its potential for profit. That’s exactly what you are going to learn how to do here. So how do you make the most of your mailing list? Squeeze them in The first step in building up a relationship with your subscribers is starting right at the squeeze page. Explain what they can expect from subscribing to your mailing list, and deliver on that promise. Reassure them that you only contact people that want to receive emails from you and you will never sell their email address. What’s in it fo...